Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Honey Lime Roasted Pork Loin (for tacos)

Pork Loin
Smoked paprika
Ground cumin
Ground coriander
4 limes zested and halved
3 cloves of garlic
1 cup chicken or beef stock

Heat oven to 250F. Coat pork loin in dry spices and sear on all sides in a hot deep skillet with butter and olive oil, careful not to burn. De-glaze pan with chicken/beef stock scraping up the bits from the bottom of the pan.

Turn heat off, add the zest and juice of four limes. Add lime halves, onions and garlic to the pan. Place oven safe skillet in the oven (or transfer everything to an oven safe dish/pan). Let cook for several hours making sure the juices in the pan don't evaporate fully. Meat should come out when you can pull meat easily with fork. My 2 pound loin took 5 hours. You can also do all of this in a crock pot after the searing. You would cook it on low for 7-8 hours. Let meat rest for 20 mins then shred with a fork. Remove limes, squeezing out the remainder of the juice with tongs then mix it all together with juices and onions left in the pan and add honey to desired sweetness.